Excerpt: Incompetent Gods by Gabriele Russo
Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter 5 of Incompetent Gods by Gabriele Russo. Incompetent Gods by Gabriele Russo Excerpt from chapter 5...
Excerpt: FISH WIELDER by J.R.R.R (Jim) Hardison
Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter one of FISH WIELDER by J.R.R.R (Jim) Hardison. FISH WIELDER by J.R.R.R (Jim) Hardison Excerpt from...
EXCERPT: FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate
Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter four of FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate. FIRE'S KISS by BRITTANY PATE EXCERPT FROM CHAPTER 4 “Are you...
EXCERPT: "KINGLET" by Donna Migliaccio.
Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter 1 of KINGLET by Donna Migliaccio. KINGLET by DONNA MIGLIACCIO Excerpt from chapter 1 “What is a...
Read an excerpt from chapter 10 of women's fiction novel "UNFINISHED" by Amy Snyder. Enjoy reading! UNFINISHED by AMY SNYDER EXCERPT FROM...
EXCERPT: "Triple Cross Killer" by Rosemarie Aquilina
Read an excerpt from chapter 2 of TRIPLE CROSS KILLER by Rosemarie Aquilina. Enjoy reading! TRIPLE CROSS KILLER by ROSEMARIE AQUILINA...
Excerpt: GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell
Read an excerpt from GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell (book 1 of the Girl Of Glass YA Dystopian series). GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell...
EXCERPT: "When It All Goes Still" by Allison Mullinax
In June we will be presenting excerpts from our wonderful books and we begin with our latest release, "When It All Goes Still", a time...