Meet the Team

Misty Williams
Misty Williams founded Fiery Seas Publishing in 2014. She has over ten years experience from writing to marketing and publicity to editorial. She now uses the things she has learned over the years to help build the companies growing number of authors.
Misty is always looking for a great book that will keep readers up all night. She is looking for mysteries, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, YA/middle grade, romance, and historical fiction.
You can find her on twitter at @misty_williams_

Catherine Lenderi - Editor
Catherine Lenderi is a former English teacher. After teaching English to Greek students for twenty years, she decided to take her passion for books to the next level and focus entirely on her editing career, which she had started in 2012, alongside with teaching.
She enjoys reading, taking care of her cat and riding her motorcycle. She also drinks a lot of coffee while editing.
What Catherine is looking for?
Romance, first of all! Any sub-genre of it you can think of, I want to read it. I also enjoy mysteries, detective stories, paranormal, fantasy and science-fiction. Basically, I would read anything that captures my attention in the first chapter.
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Sara Reinke - Editor
With more than 10 years of editing and copyediting experience, Sara Reinke has worked in all genres of fiction, and with authors ranging from established best-sellers to first-time novices. She enjoys building strong relationships with authors, and helping them not only to improve their craft, but further develop their careers.
A past member of the National Board of Directors for Romance Writers of America, Sara holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication and a professional background in journalism that includes 13 years as associate editor for a regionally produced travel publication.
She currently works as a Registered Nurse specializing in poison information and toxicological emergencies, which she thinks is almost as cool as writing or editing. Almost.
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Robert Wingfield -
Submissions Director
The oldest member of the team, Robert has been writing for as long as he can remember, and a bit more. He used to work in cutting edge technology in a large financial business, and is a full member of the Charted Management Institute, but decided upon a complete change of direction, forming the Inca Project specifically to help unsigned or unpublished authors achieve their life's dream and get their works into print. During this time, he has been correcting and formatting other people's works, as well as completing 17 books in various genres of his own. He still runs the Inca Project, which is a small group of dedicated authors who mutually support each other’s writings, and is now assisting Fiery Seas with initial filtering of submissions. With experience extending back many years, he is able to quickly ascertain whether a work has outstanding merit, and is prepared to give honest feedback if requested.
What Robert is looking for?
Well-written works in any genre that flow neatly, avoid purple prose, and don't get bogged down in jargon or indecipherable slang. You need to have a good, believable (and yes, it does apply to sci-fi and fantasy as well) plot that engages the reader during the first few pages. This is an essential requirement, because with the number of submissions, he cannot promise to read every word of every one, but will at least go through the first few chapters and the ending. The acid test for you is if you can read it out loud to your pet aardvark without stumbling all the time, then the likelihood is that you are on to a winner.
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Michelle Neblett - Editor
Michelle Neblett joined Fiery Seas Publishing in 2015. She has loved books from a very young age and always has a stack of books in her TBR pile. She enjoys non-fiction, along with her fiction addiction. When Michelle is not editing or reading, you can find her in the science/math world. Yes, she is a science nerd, as well. She has the best of both worlds and is enjoying every minute of it.
You can find her on twitter at @NeblettMichelle
What is Michelle looking for?
As a dedicated bibliophile, I love and appreciate all books. I like to try out many different genres. My passion is for Science Fiction/ Fantasy. I grew up reading Stephen King, Anne Rice and Dean Koontz. Even when it wasn’t “appropriate" for a young lady, I found ways to make them mine. The library was my favorite place to go to find adventures. Instead of makeup and clothes I spent my allowance on books. As adulthood progresses, my appetite for the story only gets stronger. Help me feed the hunger with your tales of intrigue and yarns of other worlds.