Read an excerpt from chapter 10 of women's fiction novel "UNFINISHED" by Amy Snyder. Enjoy reading!

“Why am I here now, Bella? When you’re feeling like this, why am I here?” he said softly, and sat down on the couch next to me. It wasn’t lost on me that it was the first time any of them had used my name. It was also the first time Cody called me something other than ‘baby’ or ‘honey.’
Covering my ears as if that could keep out his words, I yelled, “Stop it! Just stop it! It doesn’t matter why or how I created you. I just want you to go away. Tell me what you want for the rest of your story, and I’ll give it to you.” I cried, my anger now morphing into fear, not fear of Cody, but fear of me.
“Aww. I can’t tell you that, baby.”
“Well, now you really do sound like me. What do you want, Cody? Do you want to end up dead, in jail or a changed man? You choose.”
“I don’t get to choose. You do. You’re the writer, remember? You have to decide. Do you want to see me dead? Suffering in a cage? Or do you think maybe, just maybe, I might have a light side to compensate for my dark side? You’re the one who has to decide.” It was true that being the writer gave me phenomenal cosmic power. I got to choose what happened to them. All of them. But maybe that power was what scared me away from finishing them. Maybe it was just a little too much responsibility for my taste.
“What do you want for me?” Cody asked in a tone of voice I hadn’t heard from him before. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and for the first time I saw fear and sadness behind them instead of arrogance and spite. Suddenly, Cody didn’t seem like such a bad guy. Maybe he was just a lost soul. Maybe he was like me.
“I don’t know, Cody. I just don’t know.” I said sadly for what seemed like the thousandth time. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.
“Well, I suggest you figure it out, soon.” He stood up. The harshness had returned to his voice. “You’re the one who knows what I’m capable of.”
By Amy Snyder
Fiery Seas Publishing
July 25, 2017
Women's Fiction
Mirabelle is a writer who just can't finish any of the stories she starts. When her twins leave home for college, they take with them Mirabelle’s sense of identity. As she strives to adjust to her empty nest she is visited by someone unexpected: a character from the very first novel she ever attempted to write.
Characters from all of her unfinished works begin to materialize in her home, in her car, at her job. They talk, yell, and some even throw things at her. Mirabelle can see them, smell them, touch them and though she knows they’re not real, she can’t help but engage them. She created them, after all. They become part of her daily life and she finds herself alternating between hiding them from and sharing them with her almost-always-doting husband, Alex.
Some of Mirabelle’s characters are like good friends, encouraging her to finish something she’s started. Others manipulate her for their own needs and story lines. Good and bad, these characters are part of her and Mirabelle discovers she needs to both fix and finish them before they destroy her life, her sanity, and her marriage.

Amy Snyder began writing when she realized the strange things that happened in her imagination were far more interesting than the things that happened in her real life. After earning her degree in Radio, Television, and Film from Northwestern University, she worked at a financial brokerage house, a nationally published magazine, an advertising agency, and most recently, an elementary school as a Math Tutor, Substitute Teacher, and Library Paraprofessional.
But she’s always been a writer.
Amy lives in Glastonbury, Connecticut with her husband, two teenage children, and two cats. While she has been known to talk out loud to the characters she’s writing, she hasn’t had an actual hallucination…yet.