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EXCERPT: "KINGLET" by Donna Migliaccio.

Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter 1 of KINGLET by Donna Migliaccio.


Excerpt from chapter 1

“What is a Reaving?” Kristan asked.

The larger woman looked at him sharply. “The world is full of little splits and cracks and clefts and rifts, boy. You can see them every day – not when you ride a fast horse, mind – but only if you walk slow as we do, with your eyes and your ears open, with your skin feeling and your nose smelling and your tongue tasting the air like a snake.” Suddenly she ran her tongue out and in, and Kristan jumped a little.

“But when the cleft is large, like this one,” said the small woman, “when it runs a long way and spreads as it runs, like this one – it’s a Reaving. Something even a boy on a fast horse can see. For years these Reavings have moved through the mountains north of Hogia, as is right, because the mountains are fearsome things, full of strange and terrible magics. But in the last few seasons, Reavings have wended down the mountains and spread into the Plain of Hogia itself. This is the first time one has crossed the River Mor. It signifies, boy.”

Kristan crouched, ran his fingers across the mound at his feet and into the cleft itself. He saw where the new spring grass had been torn from its roots and felt a dry chill rising out of the exposed earth beneath. Even though the morning sun had warmed his damp head and shoulders, his skin prickled with sudden unease. Malvo lowered his nose to the cleft, snorted and drew back, shaking his head so that his bridle rattled.

“What does it signify?” Kristan asked.

Both women shook their heads. “Drought and dearth,” said the large woman.

“Awry and wrong,” said the small one.

“A Great Amiss.”

“A crack in the order of the world.”

“They say no child has been born in Hogia this past year.”

“Nor calf nor piglet nor chick.”

“No birthings at all, but for the blue-eyed foal.”

“The Seachlan line has been barren since the Old Lord died.”

“It signifies.”

Kristan looked up just as both women turned aside and spat three times: ptschu, ptschu, ptschu.

“Are you Wiche, or only Savá?” he asked.

The sisters exchanged a look. “This boy knows the old words,” said the large one.

“So he does,” said the small one. “How do you know the old words, boy?”

Kristan stood up. “I had a teacher.”

“And was your teacher Wiche, or only Savá?” asked the large woman.

“I’ve never been sure.”

The small woman opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated and looked over Kristan’s shoulder. “Yonder comes a great anger,” she said.

Kristan turned. In the distance was a horse and rider, coming fast. The horse was a long-legged brown mare he knew well. Her rider wore a tunic of dark crimson that almost matched the color of his furious face, and his silvery hair whipped and glittered in the sunlight. Kristan’s heart sank and he let out an involuntary groan.

Both women looked at him. “You know this great anger?” said the small one.

Kristan nodded. “One of my other teachers.”

The small woman tilted her head to one side, like a bird. “Do you have many teachers, boy?”

“I do indeed,” Kristan said, and could not suppress a little sigh.

“And is this teacher’s great anger for you or for us, boy?” asked the large one.

“For me, although I’m sure it’s vast enough to cover all of us.” Malvo let out another snort and laid his head on Kristan’s shoulder. “Yes, you too,” Kristan told him.

“This anger comes from the castle. Are you of the castle, boy?” Kristan nodded, and the large woman took hold of his arm and put her face close to his. “Then go to the Gemeta. Tell him what you’ve seen. Tell him of the Reaving. Tell him it signifies, and to beware. Will you?” Kristan hesitated, and the woman’s grip on his arm tightened. “Will you?” she hissed.

“I will,” he answered, and then the horseman was upon them.




Series: Gemeta Stone Book 1

By Donna Migliaccio

Fiery Seas Publishing

August 1, 2017


Kristan Gemeta has lost everything: his crown, his kingdom, his courage – even his name.

In the vast wilderness of the Exilwald, he's known to the other outcasts as Kinglet. As long as Kristan stays hidden, he can elude the bounty hunters, brutal soldiers and terrifying spells of Daazna, the Wichelord who killed his father and destroyed his life.

But when a new band of pursuers comes looking for him, Kristan's wariness gives way to intrigue. For bounty hunters they're oddly inept, and a young woman in their company is leaving enigmatic drawings wherever they go. As they plunge deeper into the Exilwald, Kristan follows. He discovers the drawings symbolize the Gemeta Stone, an ancient family talisman seized by Daazna but now in the little band's possession.

With the Stone's protection, Kristan might stand a chance against Daazna. He could regain his birthright and his honor. But to obtain the Stone, he must reveal his true identity and risk the one thing he has left... his life.


Donna Migliaccio is a professional stage actress with credits that include Broadway, National Tours and prominent regional theatres.

She is based in the Washington, DC Metro area, where she co-founded Tony award-winning Signature Theatre and is in demand as an entertainer, teacher and public speaker.

Her award-winning short story, "Yaa & The Coffins," was featured in Thinkerbeat's 2015 anthology The Art of Losing.


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