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Due to the number of the submissions we've received recently, we are currently unable to receive any more until further notice. We will only look at requested manuscripts at this time.


If you have already sent your work in and not heard from us, rest assured that we are still evaluating it, and we will contact you in due course. Please understand that this does not guarantee acceptance but it means that your work has been passed on to our second-level of evaluators. 


We will make an announcement when entries are opened back up and what we will be looking for, so please continue to watch our website and social media.


Thank you for all of the submissions so far. We need to finish processing them all to make room for more!




Fiery Seas is looking for well-written manuscripts that have been polished to shine. We want wonderfully written manuscripts that grab the reader and will not let go, with a strong hook and plot that merge together flawlessly and characters we never want to leave behind. We are looking for anything from romance to edge-of-your-seat suspense.


  • Dystopian

  • Fantasy

  • Historical

  • Mystery

  • Paranormal

  • Science Fiction

  • Suspense

  • Thriller

  • Young Adult



We accept manuscripts of the following lengths:


Novella: 35,000-60,000 words

Novel: 60,000 words and up



We publish ebook and print.



If you have a manuscript that fits what we are looking for, then please follow these guidelines to submit. 


Twelve-point type

Times New Roman font


One-inch margins

Header with your name and the manuscript title

Footer with page number 

Half-inch paragraph indentations for the first line of each paragraph 

Align left (not justified)

Indicate scene breaks by inserting a blank line and centering the four *s in the center of the line

Begin chapters on new pages

Single space rather than two spaces after periods between sentences.


Include a query letter that should contain author contact information, title of the book, word count, genre, and blurb in the body of the email. Please include brief author bio, social media links, and website/blog. 


Include a two page synopsis following the query letter.


Please attach the FULL manuscript in MS Word doc or rtf file. 

*Label the file with Title_AuthorName_Subgenre*


Email the above documents to Label the subject line with Title and Author Name. 


Failure to follow these guidelines will result in unread submissions. 


You will get an auto response that we received your email. Please allow eight weeks for a response before sending a follow-up email. 


We look forward to reading your submissions!


 © 2014-2018 Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC. 

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