Excerpt: GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell
Read an excerpt from GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell (book 1 of the Girl Of Glass YA Dystopian series).

GIRL OF GLASS by Megan O'Russell
The night was cold and damp. The wind had pushed the stench of the city all the way up to the domes. Nola sat crouched just outside the glass. She was like a child reaching for something dangerous with the certainty that someone would snatch it away before she could get hurt.
A night bird flew overhead, cawing. Nola jumped at the sound, flattening herself against the glass. But, the bird kept flying into the distance, not caring that Nola was standing alone in the dark. She waited for a moment, counting each breath. She pulled out her I-Vent and took a deep breath of the medicine. But, still, no guards came charging toward her. She was alone.
Carefully, she knelt and slid the outer glass so it was nearly in place. No one passing would see anything amiss, but there was enough space to squeeze her fingers in to push the pane aside.
Slowly, she turned toward the city. The haze of smog was lit by the glow of the city lights. She wanted to turn and crawl back into the dome and into her warm bed where she could pretend Captain Ridgeway had never come to the kitchen door.
She took a step forward. And then another. She would do this. She would find Kieran.
There was only one road that ran from the domes to the city. The only path with lights and guards. Nola stayed away from the road, cutting through the old forest.
She had seen pictures of what the forest looked like before, when her mother had been young and the founders were still building the domes. The trees here had been thick and lush, their branches so dense the sunlight could barely peek through to the forest floor.
But, the trees had begun to die. A few still had leaves clinging to them. Most now stood like skeletons—dead and barren.
By Megan O'Russell
December 6, 2016
Young Adult Dystopia
Two worlds...one glass wall...no turning back.
The human race has been divided. The chosen few live in the safety of the domes, watching through their glass walls as those left on the outside suffer and die. But desperation has brought invention, and new drugs have given the outsiders the strength to roam the poisoned night unafraid – but it comes at a price.
Seventeen-year-old Nola Kent has spent her life in the domes, being trained to protect her little piece of the world that has been chosen to survive. The mission of the domes is to preserve the human race, not to help the sick and starving. But when outsider Kieran Wynne begs for Nola’s help in saving an innocent life, she is drawn into a world of darkness and danger. The suffering on the other side of the glass is beyond anything Nola had imagined, and turning her back on the outside world to return to the safety of the domes may be more than she can stand. Even when her home is threatened by the very people Nola wants to help.

Megan O’Russell is also the author of the young adult fantasy series The Tethering, and Nuttycracker Sweet, a Christmas novella. Megan’s short stories can also be found in several anthologies, including Athena’s Daughters 2, featuring women in speculative fiction.
Megan is a professional performer who has spent time on stages across the country and is the lyrist for Second Chances: The Thrift Shop Musical, which received its world premiere in 2015.
When not on stage or behind a computer, Megan can usually be found playing her ukulele or climbing a mountain with her fantastic husband.