Breaking it Down: Writing a Good Query Letter
Breaking it Down Writing a Good Query Letter Online Workshop January 22 - 26, 2018 Cost: $20.00 First impressions are everything. It is...

What is your story about?
You have written the book you always wanted to write. You even have a query letter ready to go, but what about the synopsis? While the...

Query Process - Do's and Don't
Publishing is a tough business and not just for authors. The list is very long of all the things that need to be done to publish a book...

10 tips for NaNoWriMo 2017
Being an author entails having a lot of motivation, determination and discipline. Participating in NaNoWriMo takes a great deal of all...

Catherine's Top 5 Favorite Books
As a kid, I used to get lots of books as birthday presents. I can’t say it was always what I would have preferred to receive but let’s...

Meet Editor Catherine Lenderi
We are thrilled to introduce Editor Catherine Lenderi to the Fiery Seas family. How did you get into this business and why? In 2012, I...

Publishing Process: What is your story about? - Part 2
You have written the book you always wanted to write. You even have a query letter ready to go, but what about the synopsis? While the...

The Alabama Writers Workshop
Writers Workshops are always so much fun! I always love hearing the speakers and getting to know some of the writers that attend. If you...

Getting to know the Publisher
Join us as we get to know the Publisher a little more. If you have questions that you would like to be answered send them HERE. Tell us a...

Interview with Misty Williams
Over the course of the last few years, I have been asked many questions. Here are the questions I was asked by Killer Nashville. If you...