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Query Process - Do's and Don't

Publishing is a tough business and not just for authors.

The list is very long of all the things that need to be done to publish a book and many of those things the author doesn't ever see. After the manuscript is written and it is time to look for an agent or submit to a publishing house, the process starts with the query letter.

This is a very important letter. It is not something that you are writing to a friend or family member. It is the letter that could get you a request from that agent/editor. This means you have to do your homework and write the best letter you possibly can.

This is a short list from my personal experience of going through tons of submissions.


  • Research, research, research! I can't say this enough. Make sure you are submitting to someone that is looking for what you are writing. Look at the agent/editors submissions list of what they are accepting.

  • READ the submissions guidelines! After you have researched and have the list of who you are submitting, please read the guidelines for submitting. This is one of the ways to get a rejection right away. These guidelines are put in place for a reason and unless you are told to do something different (personally from that agent/editor) then follow the guidelines.

  • Be professional! This is a big one. You would think this one would be a given...well it is not, apparently. This means write the letter in a nice, simple business format.

  • What to include? I want to know the genre, word count, title. Possible comparison (but not necessary). Brief, let me repeat, brief book summary of the book. Be direct and to the point. Less is more, trust me. Hook me! A short author bio with any writing credits, organizations, and career field (if relevant to the manuscript). Close the letter with the signature and social media links. This is all that is needed.


  • Don't give your life story in the query letter. It is not needed. Don't need to know everything that made you write the story.

  • Don't tell me how to read the manuscript. Yes, you read this correctly. Don't tell me what type of humor is in the manuscript or how something is intended. If you find the need to tell me that before I get started reading it, then I already don't want to read it. I shouldn't need a guide to read and understand what you are sending me.

  • Don't make the query letter longer than a page. Honestly, it doesn't take much to get the point across.

  • Don't send your query to a personal email (if you are not asked to do so). This doesn't get you any closer to that agent/editor. Guidelines are in place for a reason and breaking them is not a good thing.

  • Don't send a rambling email. This is a business and professionalism is a must. You are not talking to your best friend and I don't need to know everything about this book in the query letter. The point of the query letter is to make me want to read the manuscript and if I can't get through the letter because of the way it is written, then what do you think the chances are I will want to continue?


About the Publisher:

Misty Williams founded Fiery Seas Publishing in 2014. She has over ten years experience from writing to marketing and publicity to editorial. She now uses the things she has learned over the years to help build the companies growing number of authors.

Misty is always looking for a great book that will keep readers up all night. She is looking for mysteries, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, YA/middle grade, romance, and historical fiction.

You can find her on twitter at @misty_williams_

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