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What is your story about?

You have written the book you always wanted to write. You even have a query letter ready to go, but what about the synopsis? While the process will begin with a query letter, some will ask for a synopsis of the book. I have found that when the word synopsis is mentioned many want to throw something my way.

Let's be honest here. I'm not saying the word because I want you to break out into the hives or something just as terrible. In fact, I really do understand the whole breaking out in cold sweats at the mention of such a thing as a synopsis. However, this is part of the painful process.

Let’s get started!

When I see a submission in my inbox or our submissions inbox, I get excited. I open up the email wanting to find something that I will love and want to dig into right away. I read through the query letter and then move onto the first few pages of the manuscript. It is only after seeing the writing style in those pages that I move to the synopsis. Here are a few things that I look for...

  1. I want to hear the authors voice come across in (not only the query), but the synopsis, as well.

  2. I don't want a long synopsis. I would say 2-3 pages of what the story is about. I want the high points of the story. Don't leave out anything. Don't give me a chapter-by-chapter summary. Give me the beginning, middle, and end. I want the conflict, turning points, etc...

  3. Don't leave me guessing. Now is not the time for that. You want to hook me in the query, but the synopsis is where you tell me everything. Yes, I'm repeating #2. This is very important.

  4. Proofread, proofread, proofread!

  5. The last thing...relax. I honestly just want to know about the book. Yes, I expect it to be well written.

Yes, this is really all I’m looking for in the synopsis. I know my thoughts on the synopsis may be different from other publisher/agents. I don't want you to sweat writing one for me. I really just want to know the whole story. Think of it like telling your best friend about your book. It is when I start reading your manuscript that things really get intense, but you better hook me in the query! Otherwise, I may never make it to the pages of the manuscript or synopsis.


About the Publisher:

Misty Williams founded Fiery Seas Publishing in 2014. She has over ten years experience from writing to marketing and publicity to editorial. She now uses the things she has learned over the years to help build the companies growing number of authors.

Misty is always looking for a great book that will keep readers up all night. She is looking for mysteries, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, YA/middle grade, romance, and historical fiction.

You can find her on twitter at @misty_williams_

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