Getting to know the Publisher
Join us as we get to know the Publisher a little more. If you have questions that you would like to be answered send them HERE.
Tell us a little about yourself.
What do you want to know?
What paths did you take to get to where you are now?
Well my path is like most. I love to read. I’ve always loved books. I can say that I started as a reader and that fueled my passion for writing.
Yes, around 18 I started learning the craft. I read so many harlequin books. I had my favorites and would get the subscriptions every month. I loved when they would come in. It was then that I joined groups and started learning about the craft of writing. I even wrote reviews for different authors and started building those relationships.
How did you or when did you decide to change sides?
While learning the writing craft and attended conferences, I learned about submissions, agents, publishing houses, and the list goes on. When I took a publicist position with a small ebook publisher is when I started thinking more from the other side of table. Things grew from there and I decided to take the leap of faith. Helping writers has always been a passion of mine. Reading endless manuscripts to help a writing friend. Helping with plots, characters, conflicts, and marketing. It all built up and now I use that knowledge as a publisher.
What’s been the most difficult part of owning your own publishing house?
Everything…*laughs* fear. It’s the fear that you will fail at something. Honestly, I’ve learned from every (yes, I’ve had those). I’ve learned more in the past few years from trail and error, the truth is…I’m only human. Things will not always go according to the plan and I have learned to adjust. Does that mean I don’t pull all night stints because something isn’t like I wanted it? Nope. It means I will do whatever it takes to fix and make things the way they need to be.
I’ve emailed back all hours of the day and night to our authors and they truly see me staying up all night to work.
What do you look for in submissions?
A few different things:
A great story, but I guess you wanted more than that. Honestly, I wish it were that simple.
The first thing I want is the hook. The writer has to make me want to read the book. They have to hook me in the first few pages and sometimes paragraphs.
The characters have to be people that I invest my time in. People that I root for or want to know what happens to them. Why are they this way? What are their conflicts? Motivations? What keeps the story moving forward and will keep me invested? These are just a few thing to think about.
I want to feel what they feel. See what they see, etc… I don’t want to be told a story, I want to live the story. I want a book that can take me away and make me feel it.
You know the book you always come back to and think about? You know, the books that you still carry around the memories. Yep, that is what I’m looking for.
What other things (outside of publishing) interest you?
That list is long. I have a full plate. Who am I kidding? My plate is overflowing.
I have a house full of kids (including the husband) and there is always something going on. Sports (football and lacrosse), play rehearsals, school functions, or just some fun time. When school is not in session (summer) that means waterparks, beach, cookouts, fishing, boating, and vacations.
What else have you done?
Besides being a book nerd? I’m a lab nerd. I have worked in the medical field for many years. I actually still do. I travel around saving lives and exploring.
Wow. Could we do this again sometime to ask more questions?
What is the best way for people to get in contact with you?
Well I’m known to answer twitter and facebook messages, along with emails that come through the website. The best way is email.

About the Publisher:
Misty Williams founded Fiery Seas Publishing in 2014. She has over ten years experience from writing to marketing and publicity to editorial. She now uses the things she has learned over the years to help build the companies growing number of authors.
Misty is always looking for a great book that will keep readers up all night. She is looking for mysteries, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, YA/middle grade, romance, and historical fiction.
You can find her on twitter at @misty_williams_