Why I Write
Someone once asked me why I decided to become a writer. In those few moments of silence that passed between the served question and the...

Sunday Spotlight Pre-Order: Fire's Kiss
The most dangerous flames burn from within... Fire's Kiss by Brittany Pate Paranormal Romance November 21, 2017 Pre-Order Today! Amazon ~...
Fiery Seas Short Story Writing Competition
We are excited to announce Fiery Seas First Short Story Writing Competition. This contest will be for Christmas themed stories ONLY. All...

PLAYING GOD: The creation of a Fantasy world.
Ah, writing a new world: drawing strange landscapes, giving life to fantastic creatures, constructing societies… Sounds fun, right?...

Never Give Up
Never give up is an old adage for aspiring writers, but it’s a fact that persistence pays off. A quote by Richard Bach taped to my...

Welcome to Debut Author Anthony Thomas
We are excited to announce Debut Author Anthony Thomas. Breachers by Anthony Thomas Fiery Seas Publishing Science Fiction Coming 2018...

Release Day: Fiskur by Donna Migliaccio
We are so excited to see the second book in this wonderful series! Happy Release Day, Donna! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks...

Cover Reveal: Break the Line
Break the Line by Allison Mullinax Contemporary Romance Fiery Seas Everlasting Coming February 2018 As a pro-fisherman, Benson Howell’s...

Sunday Spotlight: Fish Wielder by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ iBooks ~ Kobo Fish Wielder by J.R.R.R (Jim) Hardison Epic Fantasy/YA Fish Wielder Series (Book 1) Fiery...

Query Process - Do's and Don't
Publishing is a tough business and not just for authors. The list is very long of all the things that need to be done to publish a book...