Happy Thanksgiving
Today is a day of thanksgiving. This will mean different things to many out there, but for our family it is a long tradition of bringing...

Interview with Michael H. Rubin
How would you describe your style of writing to someone that has never read your work? The novels that are published under the name...

Release Day! Fire's Kiss by Brittany Pate
Happy Release Day to Brittany! Who is ready to dive in with us? The most dangerous flames burn from within... Fire's Kiss by Brittany...

Submissions call for New Romance Line
Fiery Seas Publishing is opening submissions for the official launch of its new romance line, Everlasting. We are looking for: Proven...

Sunday Spotlight: Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell
Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell Contemporary Romance December 8, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Pointe shoes,...

The Malaise Falchion by Paul Barrett
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks The Malaise Falchion by Paul Barrett Fantasy The Spade Case Files (Book 1)...

50,000 Words in 30 Days -- Surviving NaNoWriMo with Style
National Novel Writing Month (November) invites writers to finish a novel in just 30 days. They set the word count for a novel at 50,000...

Don't Click Send!
Everyone’s favorite subject. Rejection. It’s hardwired in our DNA to long for acceptance, whether you care to admit it or not, and...

Limited Time Sale!
Limited time sale! Get your copy today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Cashed Out by Michael H. Rubin Thriller August 15, 2017...

Long Writing Day Tips
I’m writing this blog on the heels of a monumental NaNoWriMo writing stretch. I’ve been writing for almost twelve hours straight. My eyes...