Date Your Computer and Finish Your Novel
So, you want to be a writer? Then write. Don’t look back. You will need a lot of stamina and a bit of good luck. When I decided to write...

Character Outline
To me, the most important part of a book is its characters. I don’t want little half-formed stick figures running around, doing exactly...

What is your story about?
You have written the book you always wanted to write. You even have a query letter ready to go, but what about the synopsis? While the...

There is an inevitable event that every aspiring author will face on their journey to publication. To writer’s conference or not to...

50,000 Words in 30 Days -- Surviving NaNoWriMo with Style
National Novel Writing Month (November) invites writers to finish a novel in just 30 days. They set the word count for a novel at 50,000...

Don't Click Send!
Everyone’s favorite subject. Rejection. It’s hardwired in our DNA to long for acceptance, whether you care to admit it or not, and...

Long Writing Day Tips
I’m writing this blog on the heels of a monumental NaNoWriMo writing stretch. I’ve been writing for almost twelve hours straight. My eyes...

Why I Write
Someone once asked me why I decided to become a writer. In those few moments of silence that passed between the served question and the...

PLAYING GOD: The creation of a Fantasy world.
Ah, writing a new world: drawing strange landscapes, giving life to fantastic creatures, constructing societies… Sounds fun, right?...

Never Give Up
Never give up is an old adage for aspiring writers, but it’s a fact that persistence pays off. A quote by Richard Bach taped to my...