Interview with Gabriele Russo
We are excited to have Gabriele Russo join us today and share with us. Where do you get your ideas? This is such a hard question to...

ThrillerFest XII
It is official! I will be at ThrillerFest, July 11 - 15, 2017, at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. I can't wait to meet those that are...

Fish Wielder by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ iBooks ~ Kobo Fish Wielder by J.R.R.R (Jim) Hardison Epic Fantasy/YA Fish Wielder Series (Book 1) Fiery...

The Malaise Falchion by Paul Barrett
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks The Malaise Falchion by Paul Barrett Fantasy The Spade Case Files (Book 1)...

Publishing Process: What is your story about? - Part 2
You have written the book you always wanted to write. You even have a query letter ready to go, but what about the synopsis? While the...
Submissions Wish List
Fiery Seas has grown over the past year and continues to do so. We are adding new authors to our growing list everyday and have more to...

Welcome to Editor Anna Kelsoe
We are growing here at Fiery Seas and we have added another Editor to our staff. Meet Anna Kelsoe! How did you get into this business and...

Pre-Order: Hard Act by Glover Wright
Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Hard Act by Glover Wright Thriller February 21, 2017 Only the CIA...

Girl of Glass by Megan O’Russell
Now Available! Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Girl of Glass by Megan O’Russell YA Dystopia Fiery Seas...

Half Life by Paul H.B. Shin
Look at what some are already saying about Half Life. “Half Life is a terrific novel. Right from the start you'll be drawn into many dark...