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Submissions Wish List

Fiery Seas has grown over the past year and continues to do so. We are adding new authors to our growing list everyday and have more to share coming in the next few weeks. It is time to share our updated submissions wish list, which is already very busy, but one cannot have enough to read...right? :-)

If you would like to submit. Follow our guidelines HERE . We look forward to reading your submission.


Misty Williams - Publisher

Misty is a hopeless romantic, and while she would love to see some romance cross her desk, she would like to enter another world. The paranormal underworlds that are crawling with all kinds of different creatures and amazing stories that need to be shared. She would also love to see some medical and psychological thrillers.


Michelle Neblett - Editor

Michelle is still looking for Angels and Demons. She wants something out of this world and earth shattering. She is wanting monsters and hidden dangers. Think good fighting evil. Supernatural nontraditional heroes (bad guys with a twist).


Vicki McGough - Editor

Vicki is always looking for romance - contemporary and historical. She wants to be swept off her feet with that hot hero and taken on a journey that only a romance can take her. However, she would like to see more paranormal and fantasy romance, as well. She would also like to see more 'edge of my seat' political thrillers (like Hard Act) as well as adventures. Something that sucks her in and gets her involved...think of something where the line between fiction and reality gets a little blurry.


Anna Kelsoe - Editor

Anna is looking for anything that takes her on a great adventure and contain strong, independent characters. She is looking for anything futuristic/fantasy, suspense, and YA.


Megan Chumney - Submissions Reader

Megan wants to see more stories from the Fairy realm. She wants to read about Fairy courts, Fairy King and Queens, Fairy Prince and Princesses, Summer and Winter Court, Seelie and Unseelie Fey. All things of that Magical realm. Let's take her away to a land of magic!

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