EXCERPT: "When It All Goes Still" by Allison Mullinax
In June we will be presenting excerpts from our wonderful books and we begin with our latest release, "When It All Goes Still", a time...

FLY ME TO THE... by Tessa McFionn
Tessa McFionn, author of "TO DISCOVER A DIVINE" is sharing her travelling experiences with us. Don't forget to get a copy of her...

Create A Life You Don't Need A Vacation From ~ Katherine Hastings
Katherine Hastings, author of the upcoming "In the Assassin's Arms", is sharing her experiences with us. Create A Life You Don’t Need a...

Appreciating Alaska ~ Guest Blog by Gloria Joynt-Lang
Gloria Joynt-Lang, author of the upcoming Beyond Circumstances, shares her travelling experiences with us. Appreciating Alaska As...

TRAVELING IN TIME ISN’T AS EASY AS IT LOOKS Sure, on paper, it’s simply stepping through a fold in time’s curtain, or switching the hands...

Saturday Spotlight ~ FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate
FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate has been nominated for Reader's Choice Award 2018 in the romance category. Read an excerpt below, grab your...

A Door County Spring by Katherine Hastings
Katherine Hastings, author of the upcoming "In The Assassin's Arms" is sharing her experience with spring with us. A Door County Spring...

Release Day! When It All Goes Still by Allison Mullinax
Happy Release Day, Allison! Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks When It All Goes Still by Allison Mullinax...

REBRANDING SPRING by Gloria Joynt-Lang
Gloria Joynt-Lang, author of the upcoming romance novel "Beyond Circumstances" is sharing her experience with spring in Canada....

SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT: Break The Line by Allison Mullinax
Just before the release of Allison Mullinax's new novel "When It All Goes Still" on Tuesday 15th, get your copy of her debut novella...