Saturday Spotlight ~ FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate
FIRE'S KISS by Brittany Pate has been nominated for Reader's Choice Award 2018 in the romance category. Read an excerpt below, grab your copy and don't forget to cast your vote.
(Find Fire's Kiss by Brittany Pate in the Vote for your Favourite Romance Book page here.)

Fire's Kiss
By Brittany Pate
Fiery Seas Publishing
November 21, 2017
Paranormal Romance Fiction
Embyr tends her tavern while keeping her dangerous parentage a secret, until she's attacked by a hellhound and saved by one of the most feared men in history. For the last eight hundred years, Ryder McLennon, the infamous leader of Death's Horsemen, has used his army to hunt the vampire who killed his wife. He's earned a reputation as a murderous madman. But in Embyr, he discovers something that could turn the tide of battle in his favor. Her control over fire can reduce an enemy to ash and her flippant disregard of him heats his blood in ways no one else ever has. She's beautiful, powerful and completely different from her violence-loving brethren. Embyr finds herself thrust into a war she wants no part of, targeted by a vicious vampire because of her cooperation with Ryder. As she learns to wield her demonic powers without letting the madness of her race overcome her, she also has to fight her attraction to a killer bent on her seduction.
Excerpt from Chapter 11
“My turn. Are you untouched?”
The moment shattered. “Yes,” she grated, irritated at the disbelief in his tone.
“No.” He shook his head.
“Are you calling me a liar?” she asked with a scowl.
“No! I...” He trailed off, raking a hand through his hair. “I find it exceptionally hard to believe a woman with your looks and personality could still be untouched.”
Embyr snorted. “How could I have taken a lover?”
“How could you not?”
Her temper snapped. “I’m a freak of nature. I may look and act human, but I have demonic blood inside me. How could anyone love me after they learned the truth? How could anyone still want me in... in that way?”
“I know what you are, and I still want you in that way.”
“No offense, but I’ve decided you are a little insane,” she said. He chuckled, and she took a deep breath to calm herself. “Even if I found someone not insane who still wanted me despite my heritage, I couldn’t do that to a person I cared about. In the heat of the moment, if I lost control of my power for even an instant, it would mean death for him. And what happens if someone discovers what I am and harms those closest to me? I thought Katrina could defend herself, but we see what my friendship brought her. Consorting with me brings nothing but death and misery.”
“Are you at least curious as to what it would be like?”
“Of course I am,” she said, crossing her arms. “I’ve seen couples in the tavern. Even the ones who come together for a single night know more about it than I ever will. The pleasure of a lover is forever denied to me.”
He lunged for her.
His big body sprang from the chair like a cat, tackling her to the floor hard enough to drive the air from her lungs. Embyr gasped to catch her breath, arms and legs flailing beneath him. Her skin warmed to the point that her clothes smoked. He paid her struggles no mind, grasping a wrist in each large hand.
“Get away from me! What is wrong with you?”
“Do you see this?” He jerked a hand holding her wrist in front of her face. “Embyr, be still! Do you see this?”
His sharp command tricked her mind into complying. She stopped struggling and glared at the hand holding hers. “What about it?”
“Right now, your skin is hot enough to burn human flesh. Do you see my skin burning?”
“All your worries, all your fears, mean nothing when you are with me.” He flipped her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist. Her skin tingled. “You can lose control without fear of hurting me. You will never have to fear my death. And you need never fear for your life when you are with me because I protect what is mine. I will take that kiss now.”

Brittany Pate lives in Texas with her husband and son. She is a longtime lover of all things fantasy and romance. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys narrating audio books and drinking entirely too much coffee.