Most are familiar with the burden cops and their families bear as they work on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Cops’ absence...

Emma’s Gift by Lily Michaels
Emma’s Gift by Lily Michaels (Third Place Winner) The hiss of the picture ripping in half was cathartic. The colorful flare from the...

Sunday Spotlight: Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell
Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell Contemporary Romance December 8, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Pointe shoes,...

It may be easier to name the major recording artists who have not performed a Christmas song than list the ones who have—Christmas songs...

Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell
Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell Contemporary Romance December 8, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Pointe shoes,...

Holidays, Joy, and Cheer!
It is that time of year. The holidays are upon us and it means the hustle and bustle of Christmas. The time for Joy and Cheer! The time...

Happy Thanksgiving
Today is a day of thanksgiving. This will mean different things to many out there, but for our family it is a long tradition of bringing...

Sunday Spotlight: Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell
Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell Contemporary Romance December 8, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Pointe shoes,...
Thanksgiving with Editor Vicki
I love the smells in the air at this time of year — kitchen smells that remind me of family, holidays and childhood. Coming from a big...

Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell
Nuttycracker Sweet by Megan O'Russell Contemporary Romance December 8, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Pointe shoes,...