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Excerpt: STONEKING by Donna Migliaccio

Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter seven of STONEKING by Donna Migliaccio.

STONEKING by Donna Migliaccio

Excerpt from Chapter 7

The figure stood in silence as the women peeled away layer after layer of fur-lined garments. It

extended first one foot, then the other, so that the thick boots could be slipped off, providing a

glimpse of finely turned ankles and delicate slippers. It held its arms out while the mitts were

removed, exposing gloves of soft red leather beneath. These, too, were taken off, revealing pale,

shapely hands with slender, beringed fingers. A rich, flowery perfume filled the air. The old aunt,

stooped as an ancient stork, turned back the heavy hood, slid off the cloak and drew away the

white veil shielding the face.

Someone caught their breath.

“Lord Gemeta,” said Sir Velios, unmistakable pride in his tone, “may I present the princess


The princess dipped into a deep curtsey, but her head remained erect and her hazel eyes

locked on Kristan with the unwavering stare of an archer aiming at a target. Her full lips curved

into a perfectly shaped smile. “Greetings, Lord Gemeta.”

Kristan bowed. “Welcome to Fandrall.”

She put out her hand, and Kristan had no choice but to take it. “My father sends his best

wishes.” Her voice was light and melodic. “He apologizes for his presumption in sending me

without notice.”

As well he might, Kristan thought, but he had resolved to keep his temper in check. “I’m

honored that he trusts me with his daughter’s safety and well-being. I hope your journey wasn’t

too difficult.”

Jelena laughed, showing fine white teeth. “Fandrall’s mud took us by surprise. My wagons

are mired to the axles.”

Her fingers were still in his, making his flesh creep. “I can send men to help dig them out.”

“No need; I have plenty of men. Sir Velios will return in the morning to supervise them.” She

flicked a look at the knight, and Velios blushed to the ears.

Jelena released Kristan’s hand at last and began to introduce her retinue. Aunt, ladies and

knights alike were bedraggled and clearly exhausted from their journey, in sharp contrast to

Jelena’s vitality and immaculate appearance.

Kristan studied her with an impartial eye. She was a head taller than him, with a proud

bearing that made her even more imposing. Her face was a perfect oval, the skin without

blemish, the features even and pleasing. Her dress was the color of fresh cream, carefully fitted

to emphasize her full breasts and hips. Around her narrow waist she wore a honey-gold sash

embroidered with pearls. Her rich brown hair was arranged high on her head in an intricate

pattern of loops and coils, crowned with a circlet of gold etched with vines and embellished with

more shining pearls.

She’s beautiful, Kristan thought, but it’s a studied beauty, as if she’s practiced every smile

before a mirror. Heather’s unaffected grin rose in his memory, but he forced the vision aside and

busied himself introducing his men. The princess acknowledged their beaming faces and deep

bows with a polite nod, but her gaze kept returning to Kristan, roaming over his face, his hair, his

clothing. Her scrutiny made him want to squirm.



StoneKing by Donna Migliaccio

February 20, 2018


The Gemeta Stone Book 3

Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC

They call him StoneKing: the lord of four countries, the vanquisher of the Wichelord Daazna, the man who will restore his people to prosperity and peace.

But there is no peace for Kristan Gemeta. Already weighed down by the cares of his new realm, Kristan carries a secret burden – the knowledge that Daazna is not dead. He isolates himself in his ruined castle in Fandrall, where he struggles to control the destructive Tabi’a power that may be his only hope of defeating the Wichelord once and for all.

And there’s trouble elsewhere in his realm. His Reaches are squabbling in Dyer, Melissa and Nigel are experiencing heartache in Norwinn, and Heather’s command in Hogia is in jeopardy. Unaware of this turmoil, Kristan receives an unexpected gift – one that forces him, his knights, an inexperienced squire and a crafty young shape-shifter into a hazardous winter journey.


(Photo credit: Clinton Brandhagen)

Donna Migliaccio is a professional stage actress with credits that include Broadway, National Tours and prominent regional theatres. She is based in the Washington, DC Metro area, where she co-founded Tony award-winning Signature Theatre and is in demand as an entertainer, teacher and public speaker. Her award-winning short story, "Yaa & The Coffins," was featured in Thinkerbeat's 2015 anthology The Art of Losing.


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