Guest Speaker Announcement ~ Amy Snyder
The Friends of the Welles-Turner Memorial Library invite all to their annual meeting, featuring Amy Snyder on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 7pm in the Welles-Turner Library Friends Room.

Amy Snyder, local Glastonbury author, will be speaking at the Friends of Welles-Turner Memorial Library Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 23 at 7pm in the library's Friends Room.
Her debut novel, Unfinished, tells a riveting story about a writer who can't seem to finish what she starts.
Amy began writing when she realized the strange things that happened in her imagination were far more interesting than the things that happened in her real life. After earning her degree in radio, television and film from Northwestern University, she worked at a financial brokerage house; as a math tutor; as a substitute teacher; and as a library paraprofessional. But she's always been a writer. Amy lives in Glastonbury with her husband, two teenage children and two cats.
Guest speaker will follow a brief business meeting and scholarship presentation.
Friends of the Welles-Turner Memorial Library
2407 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033
“I could just kill you, you know,” I said, relishing the power of being able to destroy him. “That would end your story pretty damn quickly.”
“Oh, I know that. Though, death might be preferable to living my life in a box.”
“You don’t have a life,” I said, finally losing patience with him.
“But, wouldn’t it be great if I could get you fired,” he said wistfully. “Wouldn’t you just love not having to go to that awful place every day? You could live the life you’ve always wanted. Imagine it. Writing, all day long.” He looked off into the distance as if he could actually see it: me, writing all day long.
I had to admit, it was tempting. I did long for that life where I could just write all day. If I could remove all the other distractions in my life and just write, all day, every day. I might actually be able to accomplish something. Something real. Something that was mine.
The thing was, and I don’t think Kip had this figured out, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t my job that stopped me from writing.
“I can help you, you know.” He jumped off the counter and spoke in a soft voice that would’ve made me swoon in my twenties. “Let me help you.”
I shook my head, almost laughing at his naïveté and mine. I remembered, wistfully, my twenties. What a great time, when I thought everything was so hard, but it was really so very easy. That perfect time of your life between childhood and adulthood where you could do whatever you want. Your only responsibility is to whatever job you had, crappy or not. Everything else was playtime. Kip represented all that. His enthusiasm for life was endearing. As big of a pain in the ass as he was, I couldn’t help but enjoy his ideas that if you chucked your job and did exactly what you wanted, your life would be perfect.
“Thanks for the offer, Kip, but I’m fine just where I am.”
“You lie like a rug,” he said, shaking his head. “If you’re so fine, why are you talking to me?”
I sighed. I hated when my subconscious was utterly and completely honest with me and even more, I hated when it was right. “I’ll give you that,” I agreed.
“Let me help you,” he pleaded. “I can get you out of your job. You know Alex will never let you quit.”
Flag on the play. “Yeah. Let’s leave Alex out of this, ok.” I wasn’t about to let Kip bring Alex into this insanity.
“Leave me out of what?” Alex’s voice cut through the room as he entered the kitchen. Though I didn’t turn to face him, I knew he was scanning the room. “Who are you talking to?”

By Amy Snyder
Fiery Seas Publishing
July 25, 2017
Women's Fiction
Mirabelle is a writer who just can't finish any of the stories she starts. When her twins leave home for college, they take with them Mirabelle’s sense of identity. As she strives to adjust to her empty nest, she is visited by someone unexpected: a character from the very first novel she ever attempted to write.
Characters from all of her unfinished works begin to materialize in her home, in her car, at her job. They talk, yell, and some even throw things at her. Mirabelle can see them, smell them, touch them and though she knows they’re not real, she can’t help but engage them. She created them, after all. They become part of her daily life and she finds herself alternating between hiding them from and sharing them with her almost-always-doting husband, Alex.
Some of Mirabelle’s characters are like good friends, encouraging her to finish something she’s started. Others manipulate her for their own needs and storylines. Good and bad, these characters are part of her and Mirabelle discovers she needs to both fix and finish them before they destroy her life, her sanity, and her marriage.