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Author Interview with Allison Mullinax

Welcome Author Allison Mullinax to our space today. It is always wonderful to talk with Allison and now let's find out some more about her books and writing!

What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?

I think the romance genre is something everyone can relate to. We fall in love, our relationships face obstacles, we lean on one another, and sometimes we even fall apart. A great love story can give its readers many things: hope, something to look forward to, and being able to relate to the characters. How important is research to you when writing a book?

VERY! In all the books I’ve written, there has been research. I look at it like this, I’m not an expert at bass fishing, time-traveling, or hurricanes. Someone out there will know way more than I do on the subject. And if that person picks up my novel, I want them to be able to read through the book without inconsistencies pulling them out of the story. What works best for you: Typewriters, fountain pen, dictate, computer or longhand?

Computer for the win! 1. I have terrible handwriting. 2. Ouch. 3. I don’t know how to work a typewriter. When did it dawn upon you that you wanted to be a writer?

Much later on in life, though the idea of writing a book was always there. Finally, a story popped into my wild imagination that had to be let out.

What inspires you to write?

Ya know that wild imagination thing I was just talking about? I love when I’m driving down the road, standing in the shower, or cooking over the stove and my thoughts start running amok with a plot line. I was an over-imaginative child, and somehow it spilled over into adulthood. I’ve finally found a way to put it to good use.

How often do you write?

It depends. If I’m really excited about where I’m at in a story, then daily. I try to tell myself to write a certain amount of words a day, but I also won’t force it. If I find myself bored, or uninterested, I’ll close the computer and walk away, only coming back to the story when I’m eager to move the plot along.

Tell us 5 things that we don't know about you.

  • I have five tattoos.

  • I drink at least two gallons of milk a week. My family goes through four.

  • Space stuff makes me giddy.

  • I could live off pasta and bread.

  • I’ve never read Harry Potter (*closes computer and runs in fear for her life*)

Do you enjoy book signings?

I just had my first book signing, and it was so much fun! The owner and I sat and talked about our favorite books all day. Most importantly, I enjoyed meeting the readers who came to show support, have their book signed, or to tell me how much they enjoyed Break The Line. I can’t wait to do another one.

Have you ever marketed your own books yourself?

YES! Marketing my novels was something that I anticipated; however, something that surprised me was just how much time it would take. I am extremely fortunate to have a publisher that is very hands-on with marketing. But to give my debut a little extra push, I spent a lot of time researching ways to get readers, bloggers, and reviewers interested in Break The Line. So far, I don’t regret a moment I’ve spent marketing my book. It really does make a difference.

How big of a part does music play in creating your “zone”?

Music is a major inspiration for me. I will listen to a song on repeat when writing certain scenes, or even draw inspiration from the overall mood/tone a song sets. While driving down the road, I will hear a lyric that sends my imagination running wild, causing an entire story to build in my psyche. I would say music is my number one inspiration for writing.


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Break the Line

by Allison Mullinax

Contemporary Romance

Fiery Seas Everlasting

February 13, 2018

As a pro-fisherman, Benson Howell’s days are spent on murky lake water, reeling in largemouth bass and winning first place trophies. At twenty-nine, life is easy and carefree. His only job is to stay in the top rankings during the fishing circuit, and keep the sponsors happy. That is, until he meets hot tempered, fiery haired Danni-Rose in small-town Alabama. He has never backed down from anything too big to reel in.

Danni-Rose has spent the past six years of her life burying her past. When Benson Howell literally plows his boat right into her life, armed with simmering anger, she fights the current pulling her closer to him. With a past she can’t let go of, and the sexy fisherman breaking down all her walls, Danni-Rose does everything she can to break the line connecting her to Benson.

Will Danni-Rose be able to let go of the past? Can Benson change her mind about him? Or will they both miss the catch of a lifetime?


About the Author:

North Alabama native, Allison Mullinax, grew up in the small lake town of Guntersville, AL. She discovered the escapism and addiction of writing at an early age. Today she remains a lover of reading, all things outdoors, and spending time with her husband and three daughters.

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