Author Interview with S.A. Stolinsky
Tell us a few things about yourself that our readers would like to know.
I am always a nervous wreck before I finish a novel, everything must be right, and the bad guy or girl must be kept close until the end of the story.
Tell us what your books are about.
My books are almost always about intrigue, back-stabbing, crime and humor. I want people to finish my books with a smile on their faces having figured out the bad guy and his/her motives.
What are your writing plans for the future?
My writing plans for the future are usually to find another mystery, figure out how the main character is funny and for them to use their wry sense of humor, craziness or obsessive compulsiveness to solve a crime the experts can’t solve.
Do you follow a specific process when you write?
Recently, I’ve discovered that my favorite way to write is to first tell myself the entire story. Then record it on a cassette and listen to it back. Then I will create an outline from my story so that I can see for myself when I want certain clues to come in and when I wish to wait to reveal important facts of the mystery.
What will a reader gain by reading your books?
I always hope my readers are laughing and scrunching a Kleenex in their hands and throwing it in the air as if to say, “c’est la vie, Charlie”—nothing is too serious and “who cares.” People make too much of small problems these days and I hope my books point that out.
What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?
Robert Parker, Evanovich, Dashell Hammet and others all wrote for pleasure, so that the audience and readership just enjoyed what the characters were doing. It’s called comedy/mystery instead of seeeeerrrrious fiction. I want a tongue-in-cheek feel so that the audience can just read and enjoy.
How important is research to you when writing a book?
Research is always important if you are writing about a subject in which you have not been trained. Especially for crime fiction, knowing someone in the police department or going to writer’s meetings where police and FBI are talking is crucial. I have many detectives I use to find out what would happen if such and such occurred.
What inspires you to write?
I have to have a muse and in HOT SHOT’s case, it was my assistant. He had a terrible gambling habit and the way he got out of the addiction is really worth noting. Most of the time, though, my husband is my ruse. And I picture him reading my stuff and recognizing himself in a character and laughing.
Over the years, what would you say has improved significantly in your writing?
Like everything else, the more you do something, the better you get at it. I think the more I read the authors I have read, the more sophisticated my style has become and the more comfortable I have become in the way I express myself---kind of more fearlessly than before.
Do you read and reply to the reviews and comments of your readers? Does a bad review affect your writing?
When HOT SHOT first came out, I got all great 5-star reviews except for one 3-star one and I couldn’t figure it out. I read the review and I swear I wondered if the person had read the book I wrote. I did answer them, but I never will again. Good and bad reviews are just part of the game and you take them and get what you can from them.
“A fun, crazy read. Sit back and enjoy the ride.”
~Robert Dugoni, #1 Amazon Best Selling Author of My Sister’s Grave.

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Hot Shot by S. A. Stolinsky
Fiery Seas Publishing
November 1, 2016
Payback is a powerful thing...
Actor and bartender, Tyler West experiences a sudden streak of luck — winning poker games. Determined to change his life, he enters the World Series of Poker. His life is suddenly turned upside down when the Russian mafia fronts him 1.5 million dollars to play at the tables. And then...he loses…
Now on the ride of his life, deceit and deception are his key to uncovering the truth. He must recoup the money, but will it come at a price? Can he stay alive long enough or will his time run out?

About the Author:
Stefanie Stolinsky, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and forensic psychologist with a private practice in Beverly Hills, California. She specializes in trauma, adults sexually, physically and emotionally abused as children, and PTSD. She is an international speaker and has taught training seminars in overcoming the aftereffects of child abuse. She has also taught licensing examinations to candidates for both marriage, family and child counseling and for the psychology licenses.
She began her career as an actress in motion pictures, television and stage and created a unique therapy combining acting exercises with psychodynamic psychotherapy to help survivors of all kinds of trauma overcome the aftereffects of abuse. The first edition of "ACT IT OUT" was a top seller for over nine years. A second edition of the popular book was launched in April of this year and is available on Praeclarus Press, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.
She is also the author of several award-winning short stories including her newest short story anthology, DATE NIGHT, and numerous comedy mystery. Dr. Stolinsky lives with her husband in Los Angeles.
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