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Author Interview with Anthony Thomas

Today we are talking with Debut Author Anthony Thomas! Let's find out more about his writing and his upcoming book!

What are your writing plans for the future?

Currently, I am working on an Adult Psychological Thriller. Next, I plan on tackling YA Paranormal fiction. Then, and I’m choosing to make this one last since I know it may take a few years, an Adult Fantasy epic. Like most writers, I am not immune to the ideas that keep you awake at all hours of the night.

Did you ever think you would be unable to finish your first novel?

There were definitely points throughout writing my first novel where I’d ask myself if I even had it in me to finish. But I did, and it was such a rewarding sensation, I had to chase that feeling again.

Did any of your books get rejected by publishers?

Absolutely. If there’s a person out there who hasn’t been rejected at some point, please, share with the class on how to avoid the infamous form letter! Rejection is part of the process and helps you to grow as an author. Subjective is something you’re bound to hear in the query trenches, and there will be people who just don’t understand or appreciate your work, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying to achieve your goals. STAY STRONG!

Have you ever destroyed any of your drafts?

I have, and let me tell you, it hurt. My first novel. My first book baby. It was a YA Fantasy about the descendant of Atlas, a titan forced by Zeus to hold the Earth on his shoulders. Unfortunately, being my first attempt, it fell short. In the end, I decided no amount of revisions could ever save it, so I locked it in a drawer and there it shall remain for all time.

What do you do in your free time?

When I’m not writing, I am normally spending time with my family, eating pizza, going to the gym to burn off said pizza, reading or playing video games.

Do you believe attractive book covers help in its sales?

This one is a no brainer! They absolutely do! It’s funny that we’re told not to judge a book by its cover our whole lives, but we do exactly that. Luckily, the cover for my upcoming novel BREACHERS turned out to be fantastic and I love it.

What’s your favorite movie which was based on a book?

The Harry Potter series. Hands down. No matter how old I get, I’ll never forget the feeling of speed reading through those books to beat the movie release.

Have you ever turned a dream or a nightmare into a written piece?

My debut novel, BREACHERS, is actually based off a dream I had and remembered to write down when I woke up. In this dream, I was shot and killed, but instead of waking up in a cold sweat, I stayed in the dream and went back through time to the moments before the assailant shot the gun, and then I was able to stop him. I explored the idea about what this ability might do to one’s psyche, and how they might develop daredevil-like tendencies. How this would put a wedge between them and normal human emotions. Fear, remorse, and even happiness. This lead to the main character, Jason, an expert thief who uses the fact that he can’t die to his advantage.

How long do you take to write a book?

I think it is very dependent on the material I am writing. My current WIP seems to be taking longer than others. Normally, I’d say around 3 to 9 months. Somewhere in that time frame.

People believe that being a published author is glamorous, is that true?

There’s a saying I have heard that resonates fairly well with this question. “Writing the book is the easy part.” I thought that was absurd. That it could get no more difficult than turning a blank page into a story. Man was I wrong. Querying. Rejection letters. Revisions. More queries and more rejections. Then you finally open up your email to the golden ticket. The book you have slaved over is going to be published! What happens next? Revisions. Marketing. More revisions. Here’s your fantastic cover. Even more revisions! Being a published author, would I say it’s glamorous? Probably not. Is it a lot of work? YES! But I wouldn’t change it for anything. :D



by Anthony Thomas

Fiery Seas Publishing

Science Fiction

September 18, 2018

Jason Conners is the last person you’d expect to run into a burning building, unless of course there was something inside worth stealing. Call him what you want: criminal, thief, asshole, but hero? Absolutely not. Jason’s questionable behavior and disturbing antics can only be attributed to one secret.

He can change the future, but with great power comes great responsibility? Hell no. His ability makes him the best thief in the city, and nothing is off-limits. Until Jason’s carefree attitude gains the attention of the Rogues, and the government.

The Rogues want him to stop catastrophic events from taking place, and the government has their own agenda. When the hunt begins, Jason is caught in the crosshairs and learns that breaching is not as limitless as he thought.

Can this anti-hero give up a life of easy money and become the savior the Rogues need, or will it cost him everything—even his immortality?


About the Author:

Anthony Thomas settled in the city of sin, though part of him will always remain in the small farming town in Northern California. When he’s not hunched over a keyboard, Anthony enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter and two dogs.

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