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Reading or Listening: Does it count?

Today we have different ways to read books. We can hold the book in our hands while we snuggle in and rapidly turn pages. We can read them on our tablets, eBook readers, or phones. We can also listen to them as we workout, fly, drive, and do chores. Does it matter which way you decide to read a book?

Well, if you ask my husband and daughter, it might. Our debate the other day was about reading a book versus listening to a book. I have a booklist started for 2018 for the books that I have read. One of our daughters is doing the same thing. However, they don’t think that my listening to a book is the same as reading a book and naturally I disagree.

I’m extremely busy and sometimes the only way I have time to read some of the books I want to read are by listening to them. I can do this while I’m traveling and doing household chores. It doesn’t mean this is the only way I enjoy a good book.

So, while sometimes I may not have the book in my hands or on my iPad, I’m still reading. I’m escaping within the pages of a book and I can see everything the same way as if I was reading the words myself. Yet, my husband and daughter say no. That it is way different and the whole comprehension of what one would be reading as they flip the pages is different. I disagree with them. My comprehension is the same… I’m just hearing the words instead. Honestly, I’m still clued to every word.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with them or with me? Do you read both ways?


About the Publisher:

Misty Williams founded Fiery Seas Publishing in 2014. She has over ten years experience from writing to marketing and publicity to editorial. She now uses the things she has learned over the years to help build the companies growing number of authors.

Misty is always looking for a great book that will keep readers up all night. She is looking for mysteries, thrillers, horror, science fiction, fantasy, YA/middle grade, romance, and historical fiction.

You can find her on twitter at @misty_williams_

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