Christmas Traditions with Neal Chase
Wow, it’s Christmas time already. I would say it snuck up on me, but as early as the Christmas season starts, that would be impossible. I figure it won’t be long until one Christmas ends and the next one begins. But all the sales, decorations, shows and parties won’t change what I look forward to about Christmas.
It’s not the presents, snow, and food. For me, it’s about the things we do, the traditions. Those are what made my favorite Christmas memories, and to be honest, other than falling on the ice and going to the hospital for a concussion one Christmas Eve, are really the only things I remember.
While I don’t dress up as Santa like my dad did when I was young, and we don’t eat fajitas for Christmas Eve dinner any more, there are still things my family does every Christmas season, and the ones I look forward to the most are on Christmas Eve. Year to year the mornings differ. Some years we may sit around and not do much, while others, may involve last minute presents or baking. Regardless of what we are doing, it all stops shortly after lunch. For us, that is when Christmas really begins.
Every Christmas starts with us going to the first Christmas Eve service. This gives us a time to remember there is more to Christmas than just presents and time off from work and school. After that, it is over to my parents to find the pickle hidden on the Christmas tree. Even though the kids have gotten older, and my parent’s tree has gotten smaller, this is something we do every year.
Finally, we head out for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, sushi. No, that wasn’t a typo. What is more Christmas than sushi? Okay, maybe a lot of things, but not for my family. Other than Christmas Eve church, this is my family’s longest running tradition. Years ago, my youngest son was sick on Christmas Eve. With our dinner plans ruined, and not knowing what else to do since very few restaurants were open, we picked up sushi.
The next year, we changed from taking the Sushi home to eating it there. At first, we were some of the only customers, now we actually need a reservation. Who knew we were such trendsetters? While we wait for our food, we track Santa on the NORAD Santa tracker app, even though the kids no longer believe, we play games, talk and spend time as a family. The strange thing is, what started out as a desperate move to get food one Christmas Eve, has turned into one of our favorite Christmas traditions.
But no Christmas Eve is ever complete without preparing a plate of snacks for Santa and his reindeer. After all, dealing with all those presents is hard work. The final touch before we go to sleep, is to put Santa’s magic key on our door so he can get in (we don’t have a fireplace and I really don’t want him breaking any windows).
I know your traditions are different, but I hope you and your family have your own special traditions that bring you joy and happiness this holiday season.

About the Author:
Neal Chase lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife, two children, two dogs, and a bird, which strangely has the same name as his dad. He is a member of SCBWI and the Writers’ League of Texas. When he is not writing and reading, you can find Neal coaching football or adventuring with the help of his PlayStation.
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Worthy of Song and Story by Neal Chase
Stian the Viking Series (Book 1)
Middle Grade Fantasy
Publisher: Fiery Seas Publishing
Winter 2016
Twelve year-old Stian’s plans to be The Greatest Viking Ever appear to be over before they even begin. He’s captured by Dahlia—a dark elf and a girl. If that wasn’t bad enough, he discovers he may be the son of Loki, the greatest enemy of the Viking gods and the one foretold to bring about the end of the world.
Knowing he is meant to be extraordinary, Stian decides to discover the truth for himself and free Loki from the clutches of Odin. Only then, will he discover who he is and what he is meant to do.
Stian must out-think, misguide, and defeat Thor’s children. To do this he will need the power of Gram—a sword with magical powers. There is one catch, only one pure of heart with the desire to help others, is worthy of wielding it. If Stian succeeds, he will become the world’s most famous Viking, but if he fails he will fall victim to the gods’ merciless justice.