Beach Read Submissions

YAY! It is TGIF! What are you planning to do this weekend?
I have to say that I have a very long list of things to get done. One of those things is going through submissions. This is something that I’m always excited about. I love reading the different submissions that we get in.
I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that we are going to extend our deadline for beach reads until the end of March! I love a great book to take to the beach. Something I can download and be set. Who doesn’t love having something wonderful to read on vacation or just for that weekend at the beach?
How can you submit? I thought you would never ask. :) Here is the information you will need. If you have any questions, send me a tweet using #beachread. I will answer your questions.
It can be romance, YA, mystery, sci-fi, or suspense. If you want to know som
e of the things I’m look for, you can find it HERE!

Beach reads 15,000-45,000 words.
Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2015. Email your full manuscript in MS Word or rtf file as attachment to Please include a cover letter with author information, title, word count, genre, and blurb in the body of the email. Subject should read: Beach Reads_Title_AuthorName. Failure to meet guidelines will result in unread submissions.
Now, get those submissions ready and send them my way. I’m ready!