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Finding Balance

When I asked our authors to do a blog post on writing routines, I knew the answers would be so different. I love reading everyone’s ways and I found myself agreeing with many of the things they said. So, I decided that I would join in.

My creative process is sporadic, much like my daily life. I have to find the time to let my creative side have some fun. My time is not carved in stone and doesn’t happen all the time. It maybe a few minutes here and there, oh wait, I have an hour that just popped up. It is almost like the dogs on UP when they see a squirrel. At least, this is how I feel many days.

Routines are something that I LOVE…they just seem to hate me at times. I say this because it seems that no matter what I do something happens. Then I’m rearranging and having to do something that wasn’t planned. It’s that thing we call life. Mine just happens to be overflowing at times. This also depends on business tasks, family tasks, and the night job tasks. I work things in when and where I can work them, just as long as they get done. I’ve learned to be flexible and not beat myself up if I didn’t make it to write. Things are going to happen and it can’t be helped. I just have to keep at it.

My mind is always on overload. My great ideas or light bulb moments come when I’m in the shower, driving, when I lay down in the bed to actually sleep, or when I finally get those precious moments of silence. Honestly, while sometimes I really do need that sleep, I love when the ideas just roll like a movie strip in my head. My husband really tends to hate this when its bedtime and all I want to do is talk. I just can’t help it. I keep going on and on. The thoughts just keep coming and I have to tell him right then. Bless him, he doesn’t hear half of what I say, but he tries. (Picture of us! Love that man!)

I do like to listen to music. It helps to drown out anything else (kids) that maybe going on around me. Snacks and something to drink are a must! I have also learned, over the years, that I need to refill the well. I have to read a good book, take a long walk, or just relax. This helps to stir those thoughts and ideas.

For me, it all boils down to finding balance. Knowing that some stuff I just can’t change. Some things are to be done right now and others can wait until I get through with my pages. Either way, the work gets done and I love every minute of it.

What about you? Do you need balance? How do you find your balance?

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