Escape with a good book Saturday!
Break the Spell by A.M. Bostwick YA September 29, 2015 Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Alone. On the run. Until she came along....

October Books
I love October. I just wish it were immediately followed by April. Then my two favorite months would be pressed together like pages in a...

Reading and Writing
To be a good writer, they say I must be a reader as well. I hear it all the time. They also say every winter is going to be the worst one...

How do gods blaspheme?
“When you hit your thumb with an eight-pound hammer it's nice to be able to blaspheme. It takes a very special and strong-minded kind of...

Finding a Place to Hide
When I was eleven years old, I witnessed a car accident while waiting at a red light with my mother. It was a complicated intersection...

Interview with Michael H. Rubin
When did you become interested in storytelling? The novels that are published under the name “Michael H. Rubin” are actually jointly...

Sunday Spotlight: Knight Errant
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Knight Errant By Paul Barrett & Steve Murphy Fiery Seas Publishing July...

A Critical Eye: Novels and Movies
In writing my books I noticed I now read novels and watch movies with a more critical eye. Maybe it’s a curse. As an attorney I view...

To Peek, or Not to Peek...
There are those types of readers who can navigate their entire way through a panic attack ridden scene and not even blink an eye. They...

What to Read?
Every once in a while I catch up on my to-be-read pile. It doesn’t happen often. Conferences and book fairs and friends’ recommendations...