LibertyCon 31 by Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy
Our authors Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy recently attended the LibertyCon31 in Chattanooga, TN, and they are sharing their experience...

Excerpt: KNIGHT ERRANT by Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy
Enjoy reading an excerpt from KNIGHT ERRANT by Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy. KNIGHT ERRANT by Paul Barrett & Steve Murphy “This is the...

Knight Errant by Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Knight Errant By Paul Barrett & Steve Murphy Fiery Seas Publishing July...

“How could you possibly collaborate on a novel?” That is one of the questions we are most often asked when we tell people that we have...

Sunday Spotlight: Knight Errant
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Knight Errant By Paul Barrett & Steve Murphy Fiery Seas Publishing July...