"An Inspiring Adventure" by Megan O'Russell
Our author Megan O'Russell recently toured Europe and she is sharing her experiences with us. Enjoy reading her travel blog. AN INSPIRING...

Excerpt: BOY OF BLOOD by Megan O'Russell
Enjoy reading an excerpt from chapter twenty-eight of BOY OF BLOOD by Megan O'Russell. BOY OF BLOOD by Megan O’Russell Chapter...

Venture beyond your comfort zone ~ Megan O'Russell
Venture beyond your comfort zone I’ve been on the road since October. I mean that very literally. For the past seven-and-a-bit months,...

Surviving Spring by Megan O’Russell
Ahh Spring. The time when flowers bloom, wedding planners make money, and Megan shuts down and waits for it to be over. Don’t get me...

New Release: Boy of Blood by Megan O'Russell
Happy Release Day to Megan! Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBook Boy of Blood by Megan O’Russell Series: Girl of...

Pre-Order: Boy of Blood by Megan O'Russell
Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBook Boy of Blood by Megan O’Russell Series: Girl of Glass YA Dystopia...

Love Creating Art
Right now, I’m living on a bus for The Wizard of Oz national tour. It’s not as glamourous as you might think. It’s not a sleeper bus with...

New Year, New Words
The New Year has begun. Resolutions are being fought for or swept under the rug in the midst of January madness. I usually hide from New...

Christmas on a Bus
Christmas trees are going up, carols are being sung, I’m living on a bus. Must be the holiday season. This year, aside from working on...

Cover Reveal: Boy of Blood by Megan O'Russell
Boy of Blood by Megan O’Russell Series: Girl of Glass YA Dystopia Fiery Seas Publishing Publishing Date: April 10, 2018 After Nightland’s...