Finding a Place to Hide
When I was eleven years old, I witnessed a car accident while waiting at a red light with my mother. It was a complicated intersection...

Interview with Michael H. Rubin
When did you become interested in storytelling? The novels that are published under the name “Michael H. Rubin” are actually jointly...

Sunday Spotlight: Knight Errant
Get Your Copy Today! Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble Kobo ~ iBooks Knight Errant By Paul Barrett & Steve Murphy Fiery Seas Publishing July...

A Critical Eye: Novels and Movies
In writing my books I noticed I now read novels and watch movies with a more critical eye. Maybe it’s a curse. As an attorney I view...

To Peek, or Not to Peek...
There are those types of readers who can navigate their entire way through a panic attack ridden scene and not even blink an eye. They...

What to Read?
Every once in a while I catch up on my to-be-read pile. It doesn’t happen often. Conferences and book fairs and friends’ recommendations...

Catherine's Top 5 Favorite Books
As a kid, I used to get lots of books as birthday presents. I can’t say it was always what I would have preferred to receive but let’s...

Welcome to Everlasting Author Allison Mullinax
We are thrilled to announce our Everlasting Romance Line and Author Allison Mullinax's upcoming release for this new line. Break the Line...

A Month of Reading Fun
Fall is in the air, at least in some parts of the world, and for many that means a good cup of coffee and a great book. Today we are...